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Beaker makes it easy to scaffold a new cosmwasm app, with all of the dependencies for osmosis hooked up, interactive console, and a sample front-end at the ready.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Getting Started

This section is intended to give you an introduction to Beaker, for more detailed reference, you can find them here.


  • Rust for building cosmwasm contract
    • Rustup for dealing with wasm target
  • Docker for running wasm rust-optimizer and spinning up LocalOsmosis
  • Node for frontend related stuffs and beaker-console
    • Yarn over NPM, since it will not have package resolving issue and causes weird errors down the road


Beaker is available via cargo which is a rust toolchain. Once cargo is ready on your machine, run:

cargo install -f beaker # `-f` flag for up-to-date version

Now beaker is ready to use!

Scaffolding your new dapp project

In the directory you want your project to reside, run:

beaker new counter-dapp

This will generate new directory called counter-dapp which, by default, come from this template.

So what's in the template? Let's have a look...

├── frontend
├── contracts
├── Cargo.toml
├── Beaker.toml
├── .gitignore
└── .beaker

frontend and contracts

These should be self explanatory, it's where frontend and contracts are stored. And as you might be able to guess from the name, one project can contain multiple contracts.


There is a Cargo.toml here which specifies cargo workspace.


members = [


All the crates (rust packages) in contracts directory are included, with unified release profile. With this, when we have to optimize multiple contracts deterministically, we can do that with ease (see Contracts as Workspace Members section in rust-optimizer).


This is our configuration file, you can find more information about it here.


Last but not least, .beaker which is the most unusual part. It contains 2 files:

├── state.json
└── state.local.json

These 2 files have similar functionality, which are containing beaker related state such as address, code-id, label for each contract on each network for later use.

While state.json is there for mainnet and testnet state. state.local.json is intended to use locally and being gitignored since its state will not make any sense on other's machine.

And I don't think we have to explain about .gitignore don't we?

Your first CosmWasm contract with Beaker

After that we can create new contract (the command uses template from cw-template)

cd counter-dapp
beaker wasm new counter

Now your new contract will be available on contracts/counter.

If you want to use other contract template, you can change the configuration, for example:

# Beaker.toml

template_repo = ""

Deploy contract on LocalOsmosis

LocalOsmosis, as its name suggest, is Osmosis for local development. In the upcoming release, Beaker will have more complete integration with LocalOsmosis, it has to be installed and run separately.

You can install from source by following the instruction at osmosis-labs/LocalOsmosis, or use the official installer and select option 3:

curl -sL > && python3

After that, counter contract can be deployed (build + store-code + instantiate) using the following command:

beaker wasm deploy counter --signer-account test1 --no-wasm-opt --raw '{ "count": 0 }'

What's happening here equivalent to the following command sequence:

# build .wasm file
# stored in `target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/<CONTRACT_NAME>.wasm`
# `--no-wasm-opt` is suitable for development, explained below
beaker wasm build --no-wasm-opt

# read .wasm in `target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/<CONTRACT_NAME>.wasm` due to `--no-wasm-opt` flag
# use `--signer-account test1` which is predefined.
# The list of all predefined accounts are here:
# `code-id` is stored in the beaker state, local by default
beaker wasm store-code counter --signer-account test1 --no-wasm-opt

# instantiate counter contract
# with instantiate msg: '{ "count": 0 }'
beaker wasm instantiate counter --signer-account test1 --raw '{ "count": 0 }'

The flag --no-wasm-opt is skipping rust-optimizer for faster development iteration.

For testnet/mainnet deployment, use:

beaker wasm deploy counter --signer-account <ACCOUNT> --raw '{ "count": 0 }' --network testnet
beaker wasm deploy counter --signer-account <ACCOUNT> --raw '{ "count": 0 }' --network mainnet

Instantiate message can be stored for later use:

mkdir contracts/counter/instantiate-msgs
echo '{ "count": 0 }' > contracts/counter/instantiate-msgs/default.json
beaker wasm deploy counter --signer-account test1 --no-wasm-opt

You can find references for beaker wasm subcommand here.

Contract Upgrade

Contract upgrade in CosmWasm goes through the following steps:

  1. store new code on to the chain
  2. broadcast migrate msg, targeting the contract address that wanted to be upgraded with the newly stored code

To make a contract migratable, the contract needs to have proper entrypoint and admin designated.

To create the contract entrypoint for migration, first, define MigrateMsg in, this could have any information you want to pass for migration.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct MigrateMsg {}

With MigrateMsg defined we need to update First update the import from create::msg to include MigrateMsg:

use create::msg::{CountResponse, ExecuteMsg, InstantiateMsg, QueryMsg, MigrateMsg};
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn migrate(_deps: DepsMut, _env: Env, _msg: MigrateMsg) -> StdResult<Response> {
// perform state update or anything necessary for the migration

Now deploy the contract with admin assigned

# `--admin signer` use signer address (test1's address in this case) as designated admin
# raw address could be passed in as well
beaker wasm deploy counter --signer-account test1 --no-wasm-opt --raw '{ "count": 0 }' --admin signer

Now try to change the execute logic a bit to see if the upgrade works:

pub fn try_increment(deps: DepsMut) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
STATE.update(, |mut state| -> Result<_, ContractError> {
state.count += 1000000000; // 1 -> 1000000000

Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("method", "try_increment"))

With admin as test1, only test1 can upgrade the contract

beaker wasm upgrade counter --signer-account test1 --raw '{}' --no-wasm-opt

Similar to deploy, upgrade is basically running sequences of commands behind the scene:

beaker wasm build --no-wasm-opt
beaker wasm store-code counter --signer-account test1 --no-wasm-opt
beaker wasm migrate counter --signer-account test1 --raw '{}'

And, like before, --no-wasm-opt only means for development. For mainnet, use:

beaker wasm upgrade counter --signer-account test1 --raw '{}' --network mainnet

Migrate message can be stored for later use:

mkdir contracts/counter/migrate-msgs
echo '{}' > contracts/counter/migrate-msgs/default.json
beaker wasm upgrade counter --signer-account test1 --no-wasm-opt

You can find more information about their options here.

Execute Contract Messages

Contract messages can be executed using the beaker wasm execute subcommand. For example:

beaker wasm execute counter --raw '{ "increment": {} }' --signer-account test1

Query Contract State

You can query contract state by submitting query messages with the beaker wasm query command. For example:

beaker wasm query counter --raw '{"get_count": {}}'


Whenever you run command that requires signing transactions, there are 3 options you can reference your private keys:

  • --signer-account input of this option refer to the accounts defined in the config file, which is not encrypted, so it should be used only for testing
  • --signer-mnemonic input of this option is the raw mnemonic string to construct a signer
  • --signer-private-key input of this option is the same as --signer-mnemonic except it expects base64 encoded private key
  • --signer-keyring use the OS secure store as backend to securely store your key. To manage them, you can find more information here.


After deployed, you can play with the deployed contract using:

beaker console

It might prompt you like the following:

? Project's Typescript SDK seems to be missing, would you like to generate? 

Press enter to proceed for now, and we will discuss about it in detail in the Typescript SDK Generation section.

This will launch custom node repl, where contract, account are available. contract contains deployed contract. account contains pre-defined accounts in localosmosis.

So you can interact with the recently deployed contract like this:

await contract.counter.signer(account.test1).execute({ increment: {} });
await contract.counter.query({ get_count: {} });

You can find available methods for the aforementioned instances here:

You can remove contract and/or account namespace by changing config.

# Beaker.toml

account_namespace = false
contract_namespace = false
await counter.signer(test1).execute({ increment: {} });
await counter.query({ get_count: {} });

With the Typescript SDK which was previously mentioned, it is used to extend the Contract instance with method generated ftom execute and query messages. For example:

await counter.getCount()

sc = counter.signer(test1) // create signing client for `counter` with `test1`

await sc.increment()
await sc.getCount()

With this, it's more convenient than the previous interaction method since you can use tab completion for the methods as well.

Beaker console is also allowed to deploy contract, so that you don't another terminal tab to do so.

.deploy counter -- --signer-account test1 --raw '{ "count": 999 }'

.build, .storeCode, .instantiate commands are also available and has the same options as Beaker cli command, except that --no-wasm-opt are in by default since it is being intended to use in the development phase.

.help to see all available commands.

Apart from that, in the console, you can access Beaker's state, configuration and sdk from state, conf and sdk variables accordingly.

Typescript SDK Generation

Beaker leverage cosmwasm-typescript-gen to generate typescript client for cosmwasm contract. By default, Beaker's template prepare ts/sdk directory where typescript compiler and bundler are setup, so the generated client definition could be used by beaker-console, frontend or published as library for others to use.

To generate sdk for contract, run

beaker wasm ts-gen counter # replace `counter` with any of contract name

With this a package is available in ts/sdk with name <project-name>-sdk which can be used by any node / js / ts project.

Let's try adding multiply method to our contract and see how this works.


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
Increment {},
Multiply { times: i32 }, // [1] add this enum variant
Reset { count: i32 },

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn execute(
deps: DepsMut,
_env: Env,
info: MessageInfo,
msg: ExecuteMsg,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
match msg {
ExecuteMsg::Increment {} => try_increment(deps),
ExecuteMsg::Multiply { times } => try_multiply(deps, times), // [2] add this match arm
ExecuteMsg::Reset { count } => try_reset(deps, info, count),

// [3] add this function
fn try_multiply(deps: DepsMut, times: i32) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
STATE.update(, |mut state| -> Result<_, ContractError> {
state.count *= times;

Ok(Response::new().add_attribute("method", "try_multiply"))

Then redeploy the contract:

beaker wasm deploy counter --signer-account test1 --no-wasm-opt --raw '{ "count": 0 }'

Then regenerate counter's client

beaker wasm ts-gen counter

Now we can test it out in the beaker console

sc = counter.signer(test1)

await sc.increment()
await sc.getCount()
// => { count: 1 }

await sc.multiply({ times: 2 })
await sc.getCount()
// => { count: 2 }

await sc.multiply({ times: 10 })
await sc.getCount()
// => { count: 20 }

sc is an instance of CounterContract which you can find it in ts/sdk/src/contracts/CounterContract.ts.


Beaker project template also comes with frontend template. But in order to interact with it you need:

Now we are good to go! Let's dive in

cd frontend
yarn && yarn dev

Then open http://localhost:3000/ in the browser.

In frontend directory, you will see that .beaker is in here. It is actually symlinked to the one in the root so that frontend code can access beaker state.


The crates in this repository are licensed under either of the following licenses, at your discretion.

Apache License Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or license link)
MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or license link)

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution submitted for inclusion in this library by you shall be dual licensed as above (as defined in the Apache v2 License), without any additional terms or conditions.